Setting up a small reflecting pool for backyard bird photography

A few years ago, I set up a small, portable reflecting pool in my backyard for bird photography. I had seen some photos of birds reflected in water and thought they were really beautiful. I can’t remember the photographer that first inspired me to look into this idea more, but their photos were outstanding. I […]
Bald Eagles in Kansas – Dec 2021

I’ve mentioned several times on my blog how photography has made me more aware of the cycles that the natural world goes through each year. One thing I really look forward to each year is when the bald eagles move into Kansas in larger numbers each winter. There are bald eagles that nest in Kansas […]
Fall in the Flint Hills – Colors of the Trees

I’m writing this post toward the end of Winter when I’m really looking forward to Spring and bright, vibrant colors coming back into the world. The tail end of Winter is probably my least favorite time of year. I’ve been catching up on editing photos from this past Fall and looking back at the […]
A Look Back at 2021 – A few of my landscape and nature photos

Each January for the past several years, with the exception of 2020, I’ve put together a slideshow of my landscape and nature photos from the previous year. This has been an interesting way for me to remember the previous year and a good reminder of how much I have to be grateful for each year. […]
2022 Calendar Photos

Each year when I get my calendars online for sale, I usually get a few questions about the locations of where some of the photos were taken. This year I thought I would put some information about each of the photos on a blog post. The photo I selected for the cover this year was […]
A few Photographs from a Thursday Sunset in the Flint Hills

Recently I was fortunate to spend a Thursday evening going for a drive with some family members. The route we took is one of my favorite drives and has some great views of the Flint Hills. I often see wildlife on this route as well including deer, coyotes, turkeys and owls. It was a beautiful […]
Time with the bald eagles at Tuttle Creek Lake this winter

Each winter I really enjoy watching the bald eagles when they migrate into the area. Kansas does have a number of nesting pairs of bald eagles and it is possible to see them year-round, but in the winter the eagles are concentrated around the lakes. When I first started photographing the bald eagles, I would […]
A snowy day and back yard birds

Usually by the end of winter, everyone is very ready for spring and the return of color to the world. I don’t mind winter too much (yet), though the cold is starting to bother me more each year. I do like to photograph some winter landscapes with a bit of snow around though at least […]
Hummingbirds Welcome

I’ve always enjoyed watching the hummingbirds when they visit the yard and this year has been no exception (at least that is still normal this year!). I don’t get many regular hummingbirds in the spring, but this year we had a few visitors. I was happy to be able to get some images of hummingbirds […]
Juvenile Blue Jays

We have had a family of blue jays around the yard this year and they have been fun to watch. It is a large family with 5 juveniles, so they are hard to miss when they are all in the yard. The juveniles have been taking pieces of food and burying it in the ground […]