Maple Leaf Festival

    If you are going to be at the Maple Leaf Festival this weekend in Baldwin City, please stop by the Sunflower Development Solutions building at 813 8th street where I will have some matted prints for sale as well as some framed prints and gift card sets. Hope to see some of you […]

Nature Photography and City Parks

It is probably obvious that I enjoy being outside. I grew up spending time outside hunting and fishing and I have just always enjoyed being outside.  This works out great with my addiction to photography, nature and landscape photography is a perfect outlet for me and a great excuse to get me “outside” (all those […]

Kansas Waterfalls

I had several people ask questions about the waterfalls in my “This is My Kansas” video that I recently posted so I decided to put together a video of just photographs of Kansas waterfalls. Surprising to a lot of people, there are a handful of waterfalls scattered across Kansas. Or course these waterfalls are not […]

Fall Intro to Photography class

I still have a few spots open in my Fall ‘Intro to Photography’ class at UFM in Manhattan. More details about the class and registration info can be found at:  fall: The first class is Sept 19th.

This is my Kansas…and it is Beautiful

  A few days ago a poll came out from Business Insider that said Kansas was the least scenic state in the US. I haven’t been to every state in the country (and I’d bet most of the people in that poll haven’t either) so I can’t say for sure what state is the least […]

Photographing the Kansas Wheat Fields

Kansas often gets stereotyped as having no landscapes other than one large wheat field. This isn’t quite accurate, but Kansas does have a large number of wheat fields and those fields produce a large portion of the US wheat supply. In fact, Kansas is normally the number one wheat-producing state in the U.S. and produces […]

Christmas in July sale

  I woke up on the 25th to the radio playing Christmas music as a “Christmas in July” broadcast. I love Christmas so I decided to have a Christmas in July sale. You can use the coupon code FZXCYL on any orders through my website for ~15% discount (exact discount will vary a bit due […]

“Room to Breathe” – Out in the Prairie

One thing that really attracts me to photographing the prairie is the sense of “openness” you find there. Vast, sometimes described as empty, which I could almost understand if you just glimpsed the prairie through a car window going 75 mph.  That’s not a good way to connect to any landscape, but especially not the […]

Open House at Baldwin City, Kansas July 6th

If you will be in the Baldwin City area on July 6th, stop by the Sunflower Development Solutions open house. I will have photos on display and will be there from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

Watching the bald eagles at Tuttle Creek Lake

Kansas is not at the top of the list as a hot spot for watching bald eagles in the winter; in fact it might surprise many people that bald eagles can be seen in the state at all. Each winter bald eagles spend some time at lakes and rivers across the state and can often […]