Close to home: A familiar stretch of shoreline
I had recently had the chance to photograph a sunset at the Outlet State Park below the Tuttle Creek Dam, a place I have taken photographs in several times before. I was out with one of my photography classes at the Outlet Park for the sunset. Towards the end of the evening the class ended […]
Under the milkyway again
In my last post I talked about getting out to photograph the full moon rising. I try to never miss that. Another regularly occurring event I’m getting hooked on now is the new moon. Why? Because that is the best time to get out and photograph the stars. I hate to think of the moon […]
A date with the moon
I hate to admit this, but I live and die by my Outlook Calendar. If it’s not in my Outlook calendar, I won’t remember it. You should have seen me when I found out I could sync my Outlook Calendar between home and work computers and my phone… I was positively giddy (yes, giddy). One […]
Out and back just in time for the sunset
Last weekend I was in Waterville with plans to try and photograph the Milkyway again with my Dad. I had gone up early in the evening to have dinner with Mom and Dad (I never pass up a chance for a meal with my parents!). By the time we finished eating (and watching part of a […]
What do you like to read in a photo blog?
I’m working on setting up a regular schedule for blog posts. Lots of ideas of different kinds of posts including ‘how to’ type posts about camera operation and the basics of photography, image processing, thoughts on improving composition, posts dealing with locations and of course sharing photographs. I’d like to hear what type of information […]
Website Makeover Completed
I’ve been working on giving my website a makeover the last few weeks and I’ve finally got it finished. Check it out and let me know what you think! I’ve added several new galleries of photographs and I’m offering framed prints for sale now as well as matted. BTW, I created this my new site […]
Out with the stars
“No sight is more provocative of awe than is the night sky.” ~Llewelyn Powys There is something magical about the night sky. Looking up at all those stars is just fascinating and bewildering at the same time. Trying to comprehend the how far away they all are, how big space is, wondering what might be […]
Moonrise and the Flint Hills: Fascinating!
I was out recently to photograph the full moon. I can never get enough of seeing the moon rise slowly over the horizon (although when you are trying to photograph it, it doesn’t always seem to be moving so slowly!). I’m not sure why, but I’m always fascinated by the seeing the moon appear in […]
Shooting the Summer Solstice: Photography isn’t always about photography
Earlier this month my wife and I went out to shoot the sunset on the summer solstice. It was nice being out in the country taking pictures together. We both got some good photos, but it wouldn’t have mattered if we came back home empty handed. Sometimes going out to take pictures isn’t about the […]
Teter Rock and the Milky Way
During the last dark of the moon (too bad it wasn’t the 6th of June and we didn’t have a convoy…) I went down to Teter Rock with a friend for some night time photography. Teter Rock is an interesting place, I had been down there earlier in the spring for some photography (see the […]