Moonrise and the Flint Hills: Fascinating!

Watching the moonrise
Watching the moonrise

I was out recently to photograph the full moon.  I can never get enough of seeing the moon rise slowly over the horizon (although when you are trying to photograph it, it doesn’t always seem to be moving so slowly!).  I’m not sure why, but I’m always fascinated by the seeing the moon appear in the sky.  I think it is good to be fascinated by the world around us though. As long as I’m fascinated by my world, I  know I’m on the right track, photographing what inspires me and not taken things for granted.  When I stop being fascinated is probably when I stop making photographs.

This particular evening was an amazing time to be out with a camera.  Most, if not all, evenings are beautiful in their own right and shouldn’t be taken for granted, but this evening was special.  The temperatures where unusually cool for this time of year, the cloud formations were fantastic, and the light was…well I’m not even sure what words to use to describe the light that evening.  Amazing? Beautiful? Awesome? Spectacular? All of those words just don’t do it justice.  Maybe fascinating?

I was out with a photography class from UFM and we had decided to head just outside of Manhattan onto a stretch of old K-18 in Wabaunsee County.  I take a lot of photographs on this road and I’ve posted before about what a beautiful drive it is between Manhattan and Alma.  Gorgeous views of the Flint Hills, fascinating in fact.  At least to me.

Are you fascinated by what is around you?

Scott (249)

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