Stockdale Park, another favorite location

Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake, Kansas
Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake, Kansas

In my last post I wrote about photographing a sunset from a familiar stretch of riverbank below the dam at Tuttle Creek Lake.  A few days later I found myself photographing sunrise (of all things!) at another familiar place…Stockdale Park on Tuttle Creek Lake.  I have taken a lot of photographs at Stockdale, the trees in the water there make for great subjects.  I think I’ve only been there for maybe one sunrise though.  I was inspired to take a morning trip out there by some recent photographs taken by Scott Ackerman at Stockdale (make sure and check them out!).

I don’t generally do well at mornings (why are they so early in the day anyway?) but after the sunrise I witnessed on my trip to Stockdale Park I think I might become a morning person. It was absolutely stunning.  The colors were incredible as the sun starting up through the clouds.

Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake, Kansas
Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake, Kansas

I think I could have stayed in this one spot and photographed the sunrise until all the color was gone.

Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake
Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake

I did manage to finally move myself to another part of Stockdale Park for my final photographs of the morning.

Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake
Stockdale Park, Tuttle Creek Lake

The nice thing about ending up here was the rocky shoreline where you could sit down.  I packed my camera up and just sat there for awhile and enjoyed the morning.  Two photography trips at two familiar places and several photographs that I was really happy with.  Some say that “familiarity breeds contempt” and I think that can hold true for photography as well.  But it shouldn’t. Familiarity also builds connections and understanding of light and weather conditions, subjects etc., all of which help create good nature and landscape photographs.

Scott (249)

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