Last night I heard that the weather people were predicted fog for this morning. Fog usually makes for some interesting conditions to photograph in so I decided I would get up early and head to Stockdale Park on Tuttle Creek Lake. I thought the trees in the water there might be interesting in the fog.
Well you probably know I’m not a morning person so I woke up much later than I intended to and didn’t get out to Stockdale until way past when I would normally be out shooting landscapes (the Bad). Luck was with me though and there was still pretty heavy fog on the lake when I got there (the Good). As I was walking towards the shoreline to photograph the trees I noticed a large bird flying low over the water and realized it was a bald eagle (the very much unexpected!). I didn’t think any would still be around this time of year. I was able to get a few snaps of it flying and a couple of it in a tree (it is the very small speck with a white in the pictures below!). All in all a good morning.
Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy something today and find the good and the unexpected in your day.