Too late again (mostly)

 (click on any photo in this post to enlarge it)  Each year there are certain things I try to make sure and photograph, waterfalls running full in the spring, burning of the prairie, the blooming of the butterfly milkweed, etc.  One thing I try not miss each year is the Kansas wheat fields right before […]

Interview with Harland Schuster

I’ve been neglecting my blog lately (I’m lucky it is still speaking to me!) and I’m looking forward to posting on a regular basis again.  To get things rolling again, I’m posting my third interview with a Kansas based photographer, this time with Harland Schuster (if you need a warmup before diving into Harland’s interview, you can […]

“Close To Home” show at the Kemper Gallery

I’m excited to announce that my show “Close To Home” in the William T. Kemper Art Gallery at the Kansas State University Union is now open. The show will run until June 19th and the gallery’s hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.  You can view a slideshow of the photos on display on […]

Basic Camera Controls workshop coming up June 9th in Manhattan

The photography workshop “Basic Camera Controls” is coming up in a few weeks. Today’s digital cameras have some great features for photographers, but it can be overwhelming in figuring out what they are and how to best use them. We would like to help demystify your camera and how to operate it to help you get […]

Interview with Brad Mangas

My last post was my first ‘interview’ post with photographer Jim Griggs. I’m really excited to be making my second post in the ‘interview’ series this time with photographer Brad Mangas.  The focus of these posts is to showcase some of the great talent we have in Kansas and also to highlight work of other […]

Interview with Jim Griggs

One thing I’ve been wanting to start for awhile now with my blog is a series of interviews of photographers who have inspired me in some way. When I first got really serious about photography one thing I did that really helped me become a better photographer was to study the work of other nature […]

Upcoming workshop “Basic Camera Controls”

I have a photography workshop along with Wayne Rhodus coming up March 24th at the Columbian Theater in Wamego, Kansas. This is a “Basic Camera Controls” workshop and is geared toward helping you take control of your camera and getting familiar with setting it.  The workshop will also cover the basics of photography.  You can […]

Wandering the Shoreline

I took advantage of the nice weather Sunday evening to photograph sunset out at Tuttle Creek Lake. I’ve noticed that almost all of the photography I have done this winter has been “waterscapes.” I’ve always really enjoyed photographing water but this winter it seems that I’ve only really been inspired by water.  I’m sure once […]

Fly Me To the Moon…finally a moon rise!

As you might have guessed from past posts, I have a mild obsession with photographing the (near) full moon rise. I try to get out a day or two before each full moon and photograph the moon rising over the landscape.  Around the full moon, the moon rises near enough sunset that you can photograph […]

Changing Conditions And Paying Attention

A couple of weeks ago I was driving back into Manhattan at the end of a long day (up at 5:00 am, yuck!) and I had a good chance to watch the clouds changing in the west.  It was late afternoon and the clouds were really forming some interesting patterns and textures. Not too much […]