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Rock City, located near Minneapolis, Kansas contains around 200 spherical rock formations. The photo above shows one of the clusters of the rock formations at Rock City (a National Natural Landmark). The largest rock is reported to be 27 feet in diameter. These formations, concretions, were formed when sandstone was cemented by calcite (calcium carbonate). Erosion of the non-cemented sandstone (deposited around 100 million years ago) around them left the round boulder like formations.

Rock City is a great place to wander around with your camera. The rock formations are fascinating to photograph and there are endless textures and views you could photograph. In many places plants (and in some cases trees) are growing out of the rocks.

You can climb on the rocks, just don’t do anything stupid. And please don’t carve your name into the rocks. As the Rock City Facebook Page says “Don’t leave a mark on the rocks, let the rocks leave a mark on you!”.

If you are looking for a road trip, check out Rock City. It is an interesting place to wander around and I can see myself returning to do more photography here. I’d like to return in the fall and winter as well, especially after a light snow. I think it would be a good spot for some night photography.
I’d like to return with a good book on a nice day and find a quiet spot somewhere among the rocks and just sit and read for awhile. I think that would be very relaxing. It would be cool to just sit and ponder things for awhile seated by rocks that have been around for millions of years. That might be just the thing to help put the worries of the modern world in perspective. Of course if I do return with a book, you can bet I’ll have my camera with me as well!
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