A drive through the country

Olsburg Marsh
Olsburg Marsh

Last week I took the opportunity to drive up to the north end of Tuttle Creek Lake with a friend.  On the way back home we stopped at the Oldsburg Marsh area to get some photographs of the sunset.  I was able to get down to the shoreline and catch the sunset reflecting off the ice.

Old School house
Old School house

The light was fading pretty quickly down in the marsh, but the sky was still showing some fantastic colors so I decided to try and get back near Carnahan Creek to try for some photographs over the hilltops. However, I had to stop for the above photograph of an old school house as I was leaving the marsh area.

Sunset at Wildflower Road
Sunset at Wildflower Road

I did make it back near Carnahan Creek in time to make a few photographs over the Flint Hills before all the color left the sky.  The above photograph was made along Wildflower Road, which is one of those “go to” spots for me.  Photographing in familiar territory has its advantages. I didn’t have time to scout for a location as the light was going fast. I had to get to an area I knew would have the vantage point I needed for a photograph like this.

The Watchers
The Watchers

Wildflower Road is open range which is nice when making photographs in the area as there are no fences to get in your photograph. However, you do have to share the road with cattle sometimes.  The friend I was with noticed this scene and I couldn’t pass it up. I shot this leaning over the hood of my vehicle to brace myself, no time to set up the tripod and it was way to dark to try and handhold the camera for this photograph.  I think this was my favorite from this evening’s outing.

Scott (249)

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