We have had a family of blue jays around the yard this year and they have been fun to watch. It is a large family with 5 juveniles, so they are hard to miss when they are all in the yard. The juveniles have been taking pieces of food and burying it in the ground and then covering it. They will often then uncover the piece of food, take it out of the hole they made, then rebury it and cover it up again. They repeat this process several times, the whole time keeping a wary eye on their siblings. I guess they are practicing caching food maybe. It is fun to watch though, especially when other siblings are nearby, they seem concerned that a sibling will get their food!
I’m grateful I have nature out the window of my house to watch and photograph. I made this image through an open bedroom window. Being able to use my house as a photography hide has been great this year. I’ve been doing more wildlife photography recently since getting a telephoto prime lens just for that and it has been really rewarding. I’ve really liked the results I’ve been getting, especially paired with editing photos using the new Topaz AI denoise and sharpen software. This has let me shoot at much higher ISO and shutter speeds than I would have previously and the higher shutter speeds are making a difference in my wildlife photos.
If you would like to see more of my work, please visit my photo galleries. Thanks for stopping by!