Since completing my first timelapse video project “Fall in the Flint Hills”, I’ve been working on a second project. It has taken me longer to complete it than I would have liked but here it is.

This timelapse, “Summer Around Manhattan 2013” (I know, I know…I could be more creative with my titles) is made up of 5 individual timelapse sequences all made around Manhattan in July and August of 2013.  The opening sequence is probably my favorite. I wish I would have stuck with it longer, but the lightning started getting to close for my comfort.

I put the individual timelapse sequences together in Lightroom using the LRTimelapse plugin (highly recommended!). I combined the individual sequences together and added the motion using Windows Live Movie Maker.  I’ve really enjoyed learning how to make time-lapses and I know I’ve got a lot yet to learn, but that’s ok, I’m looking forward to it!


Scott (249)